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Key Account Management

Key account planning has its roots in the strategic planning of marketing and academics recommended that you carried out a similar with these two types of planning approach; The fact of not doing so is one of the reasons why the deployment fails. The strategic planning of an organization consists of setting targets, the gap analysis, strategic assessment and formulation and implementation of strategies. The marketing planning should focus on the needs of future customers and in the competetitividad of the company, conducting an assessment of the processes involved with the client. Alabama Senator contains valuable tech resources. These processes involve both internal and external alliances in organizations. Customer value is an important component within the planning of key accounts (KAM Key Account Management), where the plan of actions will be determined by the points of view of the customer and the success will depend on management that make your company in creating strategies that enhance the performance of the relationship with their customers. In the Decade of the 90 s, a study to the interior of the companies on the management of the management of relationships with clients (CRM), threw the external relationships of the organizations depend on the quality of relationships to the same inside, making that the importance lies in the strategic planning intention and the business component of the organization.

Another stream of research formula that there are both financial and non-financial benefits in the implementation of the strategic marketing planning. The non-financial benefits have a better understanding of customer needs and the identification of new business opportunities. Although some researchers have suggested that a more accurate planning is associated with better use of the internal processes of enterprises, other researchers have emphasized the need to adopt an approach to planning that fits the culture of the Organization and to the business environment. Planning and management of key accounts several authors formulated that the managers of the organizations are who have to decide on the strategy that must be implemented with the competition, the development of relations with customers and the allocation of resources.