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Hollywood Chamber

The project, scheduled for Wellington airport, didn’t like to neighbors or entrepreneurs in Hollywood. Only a few dndian the project, including director Peter Jackson. The New Zealand city of Wellington airport announced this week that canceled its plan to build the giant poster Wellywood, after unleashing the wrath of residents and employers in Hollywood, in United States. We heard the points of view of the community, said the executive director of the airport of Wellington, Steve Fitzgerald, quoted by the New Zealand television chain TV. While the Wellywood name was chosen in a process 15 months ago to promote the fame of the city of Wellington as the headquarters of major film productions such as the Lord of the rings or Avatar, airport representatives will consider other alternatives. For that reason, we have decided to submit different options through a selection process with the community, he said Fitzgerald. The initiative of placing the Wellywood sign, backed by director Peter Jackson and qualified by his detractors as crude and ridiculous, it motivated the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce threatened with a lawsuit for alleged plagiarism. The idea of Wellywood disliked, according to a recent survey, 68% of the residents of Wellington, who protested in the streets or expressed their rejection to the initiative in various social networks. Source of the news: rejection grave poster that mimicked to Hollywood in New Zealand