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General Office

The kidnapping it happened on the 10:15 of noche.10 In agreement with the General Office of the public prosecutor of the Nation, Governor of Caquet was assassinated to 11 at night of Monday, one hour after being plagiarized, in a well-known zone like Sevastopol. The accusing being confirmed that the body did not present/display bullet impacts, but was degollado, as president Alvaro Uribe.11 informed Llama powerfully the attention, that to only 3 kilometers of the kidnapping approximately, in one of the militarized regions more of the country, with operative of grid prepared taking care of the city, and an Operative Plan of surrounding, has not been able to avoid the death of the governor, but contradictoriamente these circumstances would have been added dramatically for the fatal outcome. On the other hand the first lady, Mrs. Himelda Galindo indicated: ” It was a light truck four-doors with planchn. All went camouflaged and took lanterns in the forehead. Also they took arms, they seemed guns, they were heavy arms and they took to bullets throughout ” .12 With complete certainty, the competent organisms, and the CPI, by request of the gentleman president, will have to investigate if of IX the brigade were robbed uniform and night attack helmets, as well as all the referring one to the light truck, that things has among others not been reported like robbed; then, he speculates on himself on his color, while the government secretary affirms that era of color gris13, other average news, affirms that to era of color blanco14.

Finally, and by respect to the memory of the governor vilely assassinated, I will not write in relation to the investigation that the general Office of the public prosecutor of the Nation advanced to him by presumed bonds with the paramilitarismo, nor on the revelations that or had begun to realise on presumed implied of the region bound to prestantes and influential circles. The death of Mr. Luis Francisco Cuellar Carvajal, cannot be unpunished, and if as said the Minister of Defense, Gabriel Whistles Lujn: He is offensive that says that the CRAF did not assassinate the governor; fodder that more offensive will be to offend its memory and intelligence of a whole town that it has right that the true truth is known, and to discover, as Churchill said to Winston to whom served this dead to him.