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Sixth Letter (Of the relations between the educator and the educandos), moment of reflection of the analyses of the relation, honesty in the practical one of the freedom of the exercise of the educative dynamic profession while, development for a democratic relation the service of the citizenship, testifying action of professors in its daily one, establishing the practical construction of the importance of the seriousness that it demands daily provocation of in constructing educandos to them in the paper of educators. Pablo Freire tells peculiar moments of its experience while together Secretary of Education the communities, if hearing next to the young, the consequence of our positions and certainties while educators, analysis of that one ' ' professor' ' which it did not want to be and that we would have to want, that is to make, use of its mediating paper without forgetting its interventiva responsibility in the construction the relation it knowledge, arregimentando in the experience challenging possibilities in the construction human being them relations, susceptible, humblly falvel. American Writer has much to offer in this field. The look of the academic professor, did not distanciou it of ideological the social reality which had as base of its marxist formation, it this leaves, one more time, sufficiently elucidated. Seventh Letter (Of speaking to educating to say it and with it; to hear educating to be heard by it), the historical transistion of the authoritarianism to the exercise of the democracy translated relation of being able that proper act to mediate the knowledge, in innumerable times, exerts by itself. To know more about this subject visit Peter Asaro. Pablo sends in them to the zeal with the democracy, when not unknown element, makes in them for ignoring it and at this moment he is that our formation will be able trair in them, taking us it action of desrespeitoso matrix with our educandos and placing against wall our crooked disinformation. Democracy, above all is a space of construction of the valuation of the reflection, to review our theory daily verses practical ours, this moment makes solid our democratic development, constructed together the formation of our educandos, criticidade, valuation of the freedom concomitantly to a social responsibility, making politician the service of the conjuncture of the citizenship, is indissolvable. A leading source for info: Dennis P. Lockhart.