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Defenders Day

In February, celebrate one of the few holidays that can be called purely masculine. This Feb. 23, during the Soviet holiday called Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and celebrated in the Soviet Union. Each man was waiting for this day, revered him, remembering the heroic deeds of their fathers and grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War. At that time there was the question going into the army or not, as 'zakosit', a white ticket.

Just all the young guys understand that they must pay tribute to the motherland and their ancestors who protect her, to serve 2 – 3 years, if served in the Navy. They came back from there a mature man, hardened, physically strong, proud that they have fulfilled his duty. In our time, on February 23 or as it is called, a new Motherland Defender Day is marked on a lot more modest, and the attitude of many very different now to the service. After the collapse of the Soviet Union to join the army in the opinion the majority of youth, was a waste of time. It is better to walk, . For many young people's army can radically change their lives and instill in them discipline, to help in this transitional age, some after the service reconsider their attitude toward their parents, others. But there are many men who honor the holiday, educate and train their sons to go to the army as their fathers and grandfathers. After all, what would have been home – she have one, and we must always be ready to defend it, as it was not time, and to repel the enemy, as our ancestors did.

On the day of the Fatherland Defender female half of the cis countries congratulate the men with their well-deserved holiday knowing that there is a family a man who will be able to protect them. The best gifts for this holiday, of course, will be cards on 23 February, and most importantly congratulations to their close and loving women. It does not matter as would be called a holiday. The main thing is how we belong to him. The most important thing is to keep the memory of the merits and deeds of our fathers and grandfathers who did everything that we could live freely in our homeland.