Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Creation Of Websites

Structure of elements on a web page to begin the design of our website, should carry out an organized structure of all elements, both visible and invisible. In this way will be easier navigation by users, as the way of indexing our Web site through search engines. Title the title of the page included within tags and, appear in the results after a search. Include keywords within the title, without exceeding in more than 60 characters goals keywords include approximately 15 key words in combination of two words, separated by commas, including misspellings. Imagine for example a company selling televisions in Madrid: sale Madrid TVs, TVs for sale Madrid, Madrid televisions for sale, buy telebisores Madrid. Meta description this part it is recommended not to omit, since in the search results, is what users will see and there is where will depend on that to click or not. Include a description of at least 200 characters.

Use of javascript in the head if we use part of code written in javascript that uses functions within the header, will include the code after the tag description. Use of dynamic url avoid as far as possible the use of dynamic urls type pagina.php? id = 60, using modrewrite to make urls user-friendly, similar to e.g. venta_coches_renault.htm and with associated titles the file in particular. Structure of headers to the search engines likes the use of headers h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6. If there is some kind of problem with the font size, use style sheets for formatting. Distribution of links any file should remain orphaned, that is like an island. All bound and distributed into sections by sections must stay. We have an example of a company that sells sports accessories;Section tennis: slippers-tenis.htm racquets-tenis.htm socks-Tenis.htmseccion football: boots-futbol.htm t-shirts-futbol.htm pants-futbol.htm create a map of the web in the same way we can create a map of the site with all the links.

In this way we will help to better indexing search engines. We reached no more than 100 links per page. Finder on the web do not forget either, the inclusion of an internal search engine, for the execution of a quick search.