Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Commercial REal Estate

A mistake often made in the marketing of commercial real estate is the art of omission also applies to the prices of commercial real estate, that too many messages are simultaneously offered to the tenants. This allows the positioning of the product is diluted, confuses the customer. The communicative focus on a characteristic peculiarity of real estate is clearly the better way. No prospective tenant believes that a building can do anything and everything. Advertising focusing on a characteristic feature of the property, however, helps the credible and transparent communication, also serves the mandatory differentiation compared to other real estate products. The prospective tenant receives full facts already in the broker exposes.

Real estate advertising should definitely not be a mere beautify of the exposes and access all the descriptions mentioned already there. Effective advertising aims rather to the distinct advantage of the object in the right light and to prove the strength of the product. Of the ancients Design rule from the word to the image”must be followed also in the real estate communication. A clear content secured strategic orientation and the skilful textual implementation are essential base of Visual design. No designer can make an accurate brochure, website or similar without conceptual basis and crisp text. Without the basis of briefing becomes design to decoration, is arbitrary and interchangeable. Owners, builders, or Immobilienvermarkter should be mandating the Agency first a coherent and based on the Embassy of a guiding principle, almost worked out with the leitmotif for the entire communication. The guiding principle must be simple, memorable and characteristic of the real estate. Only after the adoption of the guiding principles, the Agency should start with the implementation of printer products, electronic media or events, then the press work can start. Thomas Moller MoellerFeuerstein marketing consultants GmbH real estate marketing-Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 70 60329 Frankfurt phone + 49 (0) 69 299209-15