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Chilean Way

The Chilean Way In the decade of 1970, when Brazil dived for deepest in its military dictatorship, the news appeared of that Salvador Allende, after three times not succeeded, obtains to arrive at the presidency of the Chilean Republic with a proposal socialist. Went up to the left power a coalition one, the Popular Unit, formed for socialist Communists and. Elect with only 34% of the votes, it lacked only confirmation to it of the Congress, a time that had not more than gotten the half of the percentage. The fear spread for the international press and of the forces was felt local conservatives, as it points Sader Emir: ' ' Socialism in Latin America? In full year of 1970? When the Brazilian military dictatorship if consolidated and emerged as model politician and of economic growth for its neighbors? ' ' Beyond Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia also met in military governments and Cuba was isolated. At last, the socialist notice of an elect one did not sound very well at that moment, over all, for the White House. In this direction, the process revolutionary affected powerful foreign and national interests, where the court of appeals of a Chilean socialist government came to modify the regional balance, being a possibility of ' ' I infect ideolgico' ' in the South Cone.

The government of the Popular Unit directly attacked these interests in a set of revolutionary measures. In little time, it nationalized the basic wealth, mainly the represented ones for copper, expropriated monoplicas companies and the latifundium oligarchy, incorporated masses to the work and the consumption, redistributing wealth and extending the domestic market. Moreover, it extended the democratic and libertarian rights placing Chile in the picture of the nations ' ' not alinhadas' ' , defending the fight against the foreign dependence. The economic policy of Allende considered to substitute the area of social property of capitalist predominance for socialist relations of production, with the intention to destroy the bases of sustentation of the imperialism and the national bourgeoisie.