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Argentina Regime

MPJ reagent granting of oil concessions, suspended for eleven years. His regime was marked by the rapacity: officials were sympathetic to the regime with excessive fortunes through embezzlement, illicit enrichment, profit … Cruelty also characterized the regime, primarily through the SN: controlled and silenced the opposition leaders, through imprisonment and torture. Political assassinations were common. The Central University and several high schools were closed, and his teaching went to jail or exile in dozens of cases. They break relations with Argentina and Chile, and cools the deal with Mexico and the Holy See. 1957, December: On the context of its mandate to "presidential" (forced to call elections), MPJ rigs so a plebiscite to be the winner.

He was reluctant to elections was the strong party's defeat in 1952 FEI, when people decided Villalba. It was the straw that broke the patience of people of diverse social sectors, political parties, the military component progressive. MPJ is reentronizaba with all the tools that the historical circumstances of its presence in the power generated. Reasons Industries announced a fall of the military resented the loss of prestige of the institution, given that the military appeared committed to the abuses of the dictatorship, paying the piper for the excesses of repressive police apparatus (SN). The reluctance to call election, as commanded by the Constitution itself amended by the dictatorship in 1953, generated the joint rejection of all opposition forces. And he called for a president elected by direct secret ballot, as ordered, from further back, the statute enacted universal suffrage election by the Revolutionary Government Junta that had beaten the Medina Angarita regime in 1945. As we know, AD and military youth, through the so-called October Revolution and the coup in Medina Angarita, interrupted by political developments that had begun since the death of Gomez, leading to successive waves of military coups perpetrated later , namely, that of 1948 (against Gallegos), that of 1952 (MPJ) and the 1958 (versus the same MPJ).