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Ambient Justice

In face of the current partner-economic crisis of nossoPlaneta, becomes each more urgent time the mobilization on the part of all oscidados in the brainstorming that skirtes these problems, this is the ambient nossodesafio. Front to this, the Ambient Justice of our Country, through dRede Brazilian Ambient Justice, promotes the fight to finish with different adistribuio them ambient risks, that come affecting the quality due not only ambient as socially. Osmovimentos Ambient Justice had as landmark against racism in the United States. There, the fight is against adesigualdade of the quality of life in relation to ‘ ‘ raas’ ‘ , or better dizendoetnias. As it is seen, here in Brazil, the fight is ampler. It accumulates of stocks principles, it searchs equality of quality of life and believes that the fight alone will be able servencida when the conscience will be had of that she is necessary to protect fracose more that we must give one is enough in the ambient destructions, for benefit of umaminoria, in detriment of the smashing majority of population of the world. Word-Key: Ambient justice, Brazilian Net of Ambient Justice, Ambient Injustice, Practical Principles and of Ambient Justice.

Crisis ABSTRACT Given the currentsocio-economic of our planet, it becomes increasingly urgent you call forall citizens in search of solutions you circumvent these problems, this is ourenvironmental challenge. This Facing, the Environmental Justice of our country, through the Brazilian Network of Environmental Justice, promotes the fight toend the unequal distribution of environmental risks, which has affected thequality of life not only environmentally and socially. The EnvironmentalJustice in March was you the movements against racism in the United States. Thereis the fight against inequality in quality of life in relation you ‘ ‘ races’ ‘ , or to rather races. Them see you can here in Brazil, the fight to isbroader. It covers principles, pursuit of equal quality of life and believesthat the fight can only be overcome when you ploughs aware that we must protect theweak and we should just give in environmental destruction, will be the benefit of aminority at the expense of overwhelming majority of the world population.